Monday, April 15, 2013


Hey guys here's and adaptation of a fable i had to write for my conceptual story telling class. I recommend you read the original first.

Not long ago there lived a man by the name of Christopher. Christopher was raised in a small town and lived there his entire life. One day he got a letter, the return address was from a town he had heard his mother speak of a few times, but the name was not familiar to him. With his curiosity sparked he sat down to read the letter.
Dear Christopher,
            My name is Nestor, you have never met me before but I am your grandfather. First I would like to say I am sorry that I have never been able to meet you. You see your grandmother and I were never happy staying in one place for too long, your mother on the other hand hated the constant moving, and came to loathe us for it. When she met your father and fell in love she swore that she would never put her child through such instability. She and your father moved to the small town that you grew up in and she hasn’t talked to me since. Second I would like to say that I am sorry I never will get the chance to meet you, by the time you receive this letter I will have passed. However I have done for you the one thing that I could. I have left to you my life savings, which are quite substantial, in the hopes that you will use it to get out of that small town and see the world and all its marvels.
Nestor, your Grandfather
            Upon reading the letter Christopher felt incredibly overwhelmed. At first he didn’t know what to think. Then as the whole thing sank in he began to realize that he had never been far from his hometown, and he had certainly never left the country, but he was reluctant to just up and leave on a trip around the world. He decided that he would need a few days for him to figure this out and retired to bed. The next morning as Christopher awoke everything seemed clear to him. He realized that he could not deny his grandfather’s dying request, and set out with a determination to see as much of the world as he possibly could.
            He traveled for years, seeing everything the world had to offer. He saw the Great Pyramids of Giza, Stonehenge , the Coliseum. He walked on the Great Wall of China, and he climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa. He hiked to the depths of the Grand Canyon and he swam in the Great Barrier Reef. He trekked through the amazon, and he traveled to the poles to see both the northern and southern lights. He traveled to every country in the world and took part in every culture that exists.
            When he felt he had seen and experienced everything that there was to see or experience, he set out on his final adventure. The last thing on his list was to climb to the top of Mount Everest, to the very tip of the world. So this is exactly what he did, and when he reached the summit he sat down and began to survey the world from a view that few get to, as he began to think of everything he had seen and done and how few people will get those experiences he began to realize how blessed he was.
            As he was deep in thought the sun set and Christopher lay back and began to examine the stars. He had never had much interest in Astronomy, but as he began to gaze at the stars he realized that this was the clearest he had ever seen the night sky. As he was looking from star to star he saw one of them simply blink out of existence. As he marveled at this phenomenon he was reminded of what one of his teachers said once, that if you ever see a star die remember that it died millions, maybe billions of years ago, but it has taken that long for the last of the light to travel to earth where you can see it. At that moment he realized the true vastness of the universe.
            Upon this realization Christopher was stunned, and the man who thought he had conquered all suddenly realized his own insignificance and became very ill at ease.

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